Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monthly Updates: August 2011

It is time for an update on our activities. I think we'll be doing this every month, from now on, so you know we're alive and as well as possible. So, let's start:
  1. We're still figthing local bureaucracy. We had a tough time trying to make everything official as even official documentation is either wrong or seriously outdated.
  2. We now have a bank account for donations and to manage our funds without relying solely on our Paypal account.
  3. There has been progress regarding the agreements we are trying to establish. We are looking for alliances with several entities so we can provide better conditions for our associates and contributors. However, unfortunately, all of the ongoing agreements have been arranjed with local businesses, which means that, for now, only our fellow countrymen are elligible. But we didn't forget everyone else and we are going to attempt to reach international agreements also.
  4. We've been updating regularly our website, adding new details, new information, correcting every mistake we find.
  5. We are going to attempt to get recognition as a technical training institution which will allow us to go much further than we've been able so far.
  6. Our first book has already seen some sales, but still very shy so far. It could become a very important source of funding for our projects.
On other news, the debate on patents is heating up again. With a strong war going on between Apple and Samsung, and patent trolling stories emerging like mushrooms everyday, it seems that our IP Protection Fund initiative came right on time but its success depends on how it is received and perceived.
We wish you well and you're always welcome here.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Launched new initiative, the IP Protection Fund

Today we launched our new initiative, the IP Protection Fund, that we like to call the Anti-Patent-Troll. We hope that, with this new activity we may be able to fight that plague that has been preventing significant advances and casting a shadow over several open projects that have merit. It is made to protect both the owners of IP and the users of that IP, presenting a fair model for everyone. Please take a look at the site for more details.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Looking for a new home

Our current home is, at best, temporary. Onda Technology Institute needs a new headquarters. We are currently in the process of selecting potential sites (we don't need much more than a small office space in a location with good road access and appropriate telecommunications infrastructure). We need to take into account the cost, since we, as a non-profit, have severe limitations on our budget. We would also like to hear from all of you about suggestions of features and things to implement on the new headquarters, as well as specific characteristics we should look for or potential location sites.

Best regards